My Real Conversion Numbers And How This Data Can Help You

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To see results that many of our friends have had, click that red button above.


Notes from the video, with some additions:


381 call-ins
265 email leads

79 reseller sales, $100 commissions
(20.7% call-in to sale ratio)
(29.8% email opt-in to sale ratio)
18 MRR sales, $500 commissions
(4.7% call-in to sale ratio)
(6.8% email opt-in to sale ratio)
(23% of Resellers upgrade to MRR)

$17,200.00 earned

Hypothetical examples:

5,000 clicks/visitors @ $0.50 per click = -$2500 ad cost
w/ 20% opt-in rate
= 1,000 email opt-ins

4% sale ratio = 40 resellers
(40 X $100 = $4,000)
X .23 (MRR upgrades)
= 9 MRR sales
(9 X $500 = $4500)
– perhaps $100 voice/sms usage
=$8,400.00 income

-$2,500 ad costs
-$847.00 for licensing for product reseller

=$5,053.00 profit

With only 1% conversion rate into MRR…

1,000 leads X 0.01
= 10

10 X $600 commissions
= $6,000 income
-$2500 ad costs
-$847 initial licensing
= $2,653 profit

With only 2% conversation rate into reseller sales…

1,000 leads x 0.02
= 20 sales
20 X $100 = $2,000 commissions
+ 4 (23%) MRR sales (4 X $500 = $2000)
=$4,000 in commissions

Assuming $2500 ad spend, $100 usage and $847 licensing…
4000 – 3447
= $553.00 profit

As you can see, we can very conservative, projecting only 4% or even 2% lead-to-sale, as compared to my personal rate of 29.8%.

With this arrangement you can scale with paid ads.

How about with no paid ads, only using the Seven Infallible Steps for No-Rejection Recruiting and Selling?

Doing personal networking your income would be all profit, once your initial start-up licensing cost is recovered.

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