Traffic Review – My Real Experience

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Over the years I have tested higher-cost agency traffic vendors based on the idea that this very expensive traffic is somehow “so much better” than the cheaper, easier-to-find traffic vendors.

I recently tested due to a recommendation from an associate.

I do have to disclose that the person who recommended them to me is an affiliate for This does not necessarily mean that this person gave me false data, but it is worth nothing that they do have a vested financial interest in reselling the HumanEyeBalls traffic.

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The pitch in the video on makes some clear points:

  • That much of the solo ad traffic that one buys contains at least 20 to 30% low-tier traffic, meaning the visitors are coming from poorer countries (not USA, Canada, UK, Australia) and thus are less likely to buy.
  • That in light of this lower percentage of top-tier traffic, the real cost of most solo ad traffic is much higher than advertised.
  • That the open rates for normal solo ad traffic are usually very low and that this is often due to the fact that many solo ad vendors are merely “scamming you” by running some real traffic and some fake traffic to your order, so that you see just enough results to come back again, but very poor open rates. It is implied here that the HumanEyeBalls opt-ins would result in a significantly higher email open rate.
  • That the sales conversions are typically very low and that the HumanEyeBalls traffic could be expected to be much better quality in terms of sales conversion (though not guarantees about conversion can be offered).
  • That the 60% guaranteed opt-in rate offered by is far, far higher than what you would otherwise get and thus it is a safe investment.

My Personal Results Using Traffic:


250 clicks purchased

155 opt-ins

2 front-end free trial sign-ups

2 back-end up-sells, generating $300.


I ran 2 tests.

The first was 250 clicks.

From this I got 155 opt-ins and 2 free trial signups. One of those new signups purchased 2 back-end products, resulting in a break-even on the 250 clicks. One of those purchases was a split-pay and should generate another $200 the following month.

Since I broke even I decided to test again with more clicks.

So I bought another 500…

500 clicks purchased

301 opt-ins

3 free trial sign-ups

0 back-end sales, for $0

I got 301 opt-ins and 4 free trial signups, one of which canceled within about 2 minutes after creating her account (3 net free trial signups). I did not get any money transactions from this 2nd run), making it a total bust.

I generally get more than 3 signups from less than 300 clicks from the so-called “low-quality” solo ad vendors.

After the first run of 250 I observed that my email open rate was very low, about 7% on the first email follow-up, but since I got the 2 up-sales from that run I figured it was okay. After all, I’m more interested in sales than opt-ins anyway.

Opt-ins are only valuable if they are actually opening my emails, right?

I’m writing this 3 days after completion of my second test of 500 clicks and right now I have a 6% email open rate on my first email follow-up and a 2% open-rate on my day 2 email follow up.

I must say that this is the lowest email open rate I’ve ever seen in 8 years of doing business online.

Even solo ad vendors that only give me 20% opt-in rate, I get about 30% or more email open-rate and still more free trial signups!

I can’t begin to imagine how one could get such low email open rates from what is supposedly so much more “qualified” traffic. And yes, I do test all my emails across multiple mail clients to make sure they are going to the inbox and not the SPAM box.

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*This is not an endorsement of this vendor, nor is it intended to be cast a negative light on this vendor. In any advertising there are many variables and there is such a thing as “luck of the draw”. This video is intended only to convey my personal experience with this vendor. I am not an affiliate for this vendor and I have no vested interest in either recommending or recommending against using this vendor. Use this information at your own risk.