Getting Started With Email Marketing and Automated Follow-Up

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Is An Auto-Pilot Internet Business Even Possible?

When you hear phrases such as “Earn… on auto-pilot,” what does that mean to you?

Does that give the impression that one can simply flip a switch, sit back and collect commissions without having to do anything at all?

Unfortunately, that seems to be how a lot of people understand it.

It is possible to automate an online business to that degree, but it would require that the business is already established, already has a fairly large subscriber base or client base, and would in most cases require employees or outsourcing to handle the necessary manual tasks.

That is certainly not something the average person is going to step into on Day One, or even Month One.

For a relatively sharp person who is willing to learn and willing to put the work in, a fairly high degree of automation can be achieved within the first six to 12 months.

If one has a very significant start-up budget, including funds for marketing, it could be done faster.

This would require understanding and abilities in the areas of:

  • Automation of follow-up communications
  • Outsourcing advertising/promotion
  • Hiring staff or outsourcing for customer service for pre-sales calls
  • Conversion analytics and means by which to make changes to handle conversion rates

(that last one sounds really nerdy doesn’t it?)

The point is, the average person off the street isn’t going to innately understand these points.

They can be learned, certainly.

And there are done-for-you systems or easy-to-use systems now which make all these tasks easier, but there is a learning curve for using all of them.

Let’s talk about how the average person just starting out can automate as much as possible, while using the small amount of time available (for those who are working a full-time job and attempting to get a home business off the ground during their off time).

Minimally, no matter what business you are in, no matter what products or services you offer, you should have an automated follow-up system and a way to store your prospect list.

This would consist of, at a very minimum, the use of an email auto-responder service.

It’s crazy. In 2021 I still meet hundreds of new business owners every month who do not even have an automated email follow up system.

Folks, if you are in business and you don’t at least have an email auto-response service to help you with follow-up, that is extremely stupid.

I’m not calling you “stupid.” I’m saying that not using this simple technology in present time is stupid, and it is.

You cannot possibly do enough manual follow-up with contacts in order to effectively convert them into sales at a high enough level.

It’s impossible.

The average person will need to hear about, learn about, be exposed to a particular offer a dozen times or more before their interest will flip from Oblivious to Disinterested, then from Disinterested to Curious, then from Curious to Interested.

It takes Communication to create those step-ups in level of interest.

If you have to personally reach out to every prospect a dozen or more times before they are worked up to the necessary interest level, just imaging how much time that would take.

Completely unworkable.

You want to be able to focus on Contacting new people–focus on promotion–to continually build your marketing list.

Let the automated system do your follow-up for you (I usually send to email broadcasts daily), so that the system will do the continued “touching” of the prospect.

The ones who become Curious, then Interested will let you know.

They will reply.

They will call.

They will reach out to you on Facebook.

They will be the ones attending webinars, etc.

Those are the people you want to spend the time to talk with.


How to Implement Email Auto-Follow-Up

If you are just starting out and you are completely devoid of technical skills, you can manually add new contacts to your email marketing system manually.

For example, if you started a network marketing business and you are working from a Warm Market list, you are essentially doing the same process over and over:

1. Contact the next person on your list
2. See if they are willing to Communicate
3. Qualify them
4. Invite them to look at the info
5. Send the info to them
6. Follow up with them after they have studied the info
7. Handle any questions and collect a decision

From Step 4 to Step 5, you simply add them to your email system.

See, you just Invited them to review the info. For example, “If I put the information in front of you can you take a look at it right away?”

They said, “Yes.”

Now you need to send them the info.

You could text it to them.

You could email it to them, etc.

Ideally you would email it to them by adding their name and email to your email marketing system. I recommend using GetResponse email marketing, which you can get a 30-day free trial of here.

See, you don’t just open up your Gmail or Outlook and send them an email.

You have an automated follow-up message already set up to go out to new email leads within your GetResponse account, and when you add their contact info via the “Add Subscriber” option, your GetResponse system automatically sends them the email.

Now they are in your system, and you can email EVERYONE with a single email each day, or however often you choose to send email.

I cover how to do all this in the video above.

Say your company holds five live webinars each week.

That’s five reasons to send email invites to all our contacts.

That’s at least five emails invites per week.

Having your contacts sitting in a spreadsheet is not very useful.

Having them in your automated follow-up system, and using it correctly, will make you money.

This the minimum any business owner in 2019 should be doing with automation. I mean, if you aren’t at least doing that, you’re nuts.

I’m not kidding. It’s crazy to not at least have that in place.

The next step would be automating the lead-capture process so that you don’t have to manually input every single contact.

That would only require the use of a webpage or two, like this one here, that would allow you to automatically capture the person’s info to your GetResponse account.

And ideally, after they enter their contact info in the web form and submit it, the next page they will see will be the info they are asking for, usually a sales video.

There is a long way between a fully-automated internet business that only requires you cash checks, versus what I’ve just outlined above, but you have to start somewhere.

And with what I’ve laid out above, you can create a six-figure business.

Go here for a full tutorial on how automated Internet Marketing differs from the much lower-cost avenue of Network Marketing and why most people fu** it up because they don’t understand the difference.

As a matter of fact, the info via that link above is likely the main reason why most people fail when they try to get a business going online.

Remember, I give you the correct data.

If you correctly apply the correct data, you get the intended results.