Why You’re Not Making It Happen

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View the Lifestyle Change Program I mentioned, HERE.

How I made an extra $5,400 in one week, right HERE.

Hit me on Facebook HERE with questions.


Here are some of the things I cover in the video above:

Why reviews, ratings, other feedback are useless…
What really causes growth in your business?
What is the one basic thing you are trying to do with prospects to build your organization?
What determines whether you get results, and what you have to do to make it happen?
How it is 100X simpler than you currently think it is…
How being honest with yourself is important to your results…
What is the ONLY thing you can depend on in your business?
What is ability and what does it derive from?
Why you don’t have enough problems and the problems you do have are too small?
How do you increase your degree of causation in your business?
What the game of business actually is and how to simplify it…
Why it is so astounding that anyone stays broke in 2017?
Why you mind plays tricks on you to work against you in achieving your goals?
How to disagree with all your excuses and “reasons”…
How others have no power over your results…
What is the solution to handle those who actively work against you?
Does what you’ve been looking for even exist?
Why you get critics and “haters” and why that is a good thing…
How to know whether you’re operating at a sufficient level of activity…
Are you being the problem or the solution and how to become the solution?
How to continually create your Ideal Scene…
How to know whether you have an ethical problem which is keeping you broke…
Why your feelings are 100% irrelevant to your business…
Why your current “big goal” may be “too big” for you…
Why using emotions and effort are a huge, huge mistake, and how that just makes you tired…
How to know what steps to follow, no matter what business or product you offer…
How your thoughts are actually creating your present-time physical reality in terms of your lifestyle…
How to turn off all the self-defeating thoughts that you are currently being effect of…
How you are actively creating “crap”, thought you may not be aware of it…
How you can know for yourself whether these advices are true…
What is the only thing that can stop you from creating the results you want…


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